This is a site for Eltham Hill Geographers! You can ask questions, view pictures, video's and hopefully eventually access worksheets, powerpoints and all sorts! Of course, if your not from/related to Eltham Hill you can still join!
I hope you enjoy, let's see how this goes!
Monday, 30 March 2009
Year 7 Scary Planet
Just to recap for you all! So far......
Lesson 1 and 2 - Forest Fires
Using the internet you were creating PowerPoints about forest fires. In particular the Australian Forest Fires.
Click on the link below to find out more!
Lesson 3/4 were all about Tornadoes where you heard a story and we played a game of chinese whispers! Pretty successful lessons thatyou seemed to enjoy! ;)
If you have Sky - Keep an eye open for Storm Chasers on Discovery! It has some amazing images and video footage of tornadoes!
Miss Udy
Retail and Food Networks
Last week we were looking at Blood, Sweat and T-Shirts and Modern Day Slavery! Some of your produced some fabulous presentations and posters and even astounded your history teacher by telling her about what you have been doing in Geography! Keep up the hard work... keep your eyes on it - I will be posting one of the good presentations up on here!
For now, here is this weeks powerpoint!
And one of the worksheets:
Miss Udy
Friday, 27 March 2009
G20..... :-/
The G20 is a group of finance ministers and central bank governors from 20 economies: 19 of the world's largest national economies, plus the European Union (EU). Collectively, the G-20 economies comprise 85% of global GNP, 80% of world trade and two-thirds of the world population.
The G-20 is a forum for cooperation and consultation on matters relating to the international financial system. It studies, reviews, and promotes discussion among key industrial and emerging market countries of policy issues pertaining to the promotion of international financial stability, and seeks to address issues that go beyond the responsibilities of any one organisation.
The G8 (The group of Eight - used to be G6) is a place where governments of eight nations of the northwen hemispehere: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States; in addition, the European Union is represented within the G8.
Lately, both France and the United Kingdom have expressed a desire to expand the group and include five developing countries, referred to as the Outreach Five (O5): Brazil, China, India, Mexico, and South Africa. These countries have participated as guests in previous meetings, which are sometimes called G8+5.
Japan held the G8 presidency in 2008, Italy is the 2009 president, and Canada will be president in 2010. France held the first presidency in 1975.
The G8 meetings bring together ministers responsible for various different things to discuss issues of mutual or global concern. The range of topics include health, law enforcement, labour, economic and social development, energy, environment, foreign affairs, justice and interior, terrorism and trade. There are also a separate set of meetings known as the "G8+5", created during the 2005 Gleneagles, Scotland summit, that is attended by finance and energy ministers from all eight member countries in addition to the five "Outreach Countries": Brazil, China, India, Mexico and South Africa.
The last time we held the G8 in the UK was the 6-8th July in Scotland. On the second day of the meeting, suicide bombers killed over 50 people on the London Underground and a bus.
These events have always caused an International hype with world media focusing on extensive lobbying by advocacy groups and street demonstrations by activists.
For more information visit wikipedia! Hopefully now you know the difference... I am a lot clearer!!!!!!!
Make sure you watch the news and find out about what is happening!
Miss Udy
Wednesday, 25 March 2009
Earth Hour.... 28th March

As I type this it is 3 days, 7 hours and 52 minutes until Earth Hour starts!
Please, for all Eltham Hill Geographers - persuade your friends, relatives across the world to take part in this! There are loads of places taking part, I will be in my house in London, my sister in Oxford!
We want a billion people to switch their lights off to show support for action to tackle climate change.
Click on the link to join...... it's only for 1 hour!!!!!
Miss Udy
Undersea Tonga volcano - a new island is born!
I know this happened on the 18th but this is the first chance I have had!
Click on the bbc link for more info!!
Miss Udy
Google Street View
Sorry it has been so long since my last post - things seem to all come in one go! I finally found 5 minutes to sit down and write!
Last Thursday Google Street View shot into the news... I have to say I am a fan! I did spend an hour looking at my nans house, my house (where my housemate is in the window when the pic was taken!), my best friends house (her daughter was throwing a trantrum on the street!) and generally looking to see what was on there!
Where's Wally? A favourite childrens book even managed to get a Wally somewhere in London!
As well as a marriage proposal, two kinghts fighting, some breaking into a house and so on!
Google’s camera cars covered more than 22,369 miles of UK roads in their effort to map towns and major cities, including London, Liverpool, Birmingham, Manchester and Oxford. Already, web users have been scouring the maps to find quirky or unusual sights, including a broken-down Google car being photographed by another camera car, and Banksy graffiti.
Miss Udy
Friday, 13 March 2009
Red Nose Day.... Comic Relief
Its 9.30 on Friday the 13th.... I don't know about you, but I am watching Red Nose Day on the BBC (yes, Miss Udy has no where better to be on a friday night!)
Be funny for money, wearing Pj's to work and being silent (Paige!) are three of many things being done across the country today to raise money!
Many of you have been studying Make Poverty History, many of you have had me telling you to watch it etc but seriously, Sainsburys just were announced at making £9 million pounds and the grand total was announced at £29,748,187... that is a whopping amount of money!
I know lots of you donated, and I sincerly hope your watching this thinking about how lucky we are here, everytime the stories come on I manage to get tears rolling down my cheeks - i certainly do feel very lucky.
So, it's Smithy from Gavin and Stacey! I think he is hillarious so I am going to watch!
Text 'yes' to 66609
Donate online at
or call 03457 910910!
Come on girls, could you share your pocket money with comic relief?!?!?!
Miss Udy
Monday, 9 March 2009
Year 10 Homework - 9/3/09
Homework for the week - Find out what agencies such as Age Concern and Help the aged do to help the Birtish Elderly population. Do they give out grants to help people who are struggling?
What happens in the local area for the elderly in our community? Does the school do anything?
Due: Next Monday 16th March
Any questions let me know on Wednesday.
Miss Udy
BBC Programme on Migrant workers in the UK
London mayor Boris Johnson is in favour of the idea, and 93 MPs from across the country support it.
But it is a big ask with the UK in the grip of a credit crunch, and amid protests calling for British jobs for British workers.
Find out what they have to say, tonight on BBC1 at 8.30!
Miss Udy
Sunday, 8 March 2009
Attention year 10...... superhero alert!
Mount Kilimanjaro - Comic Relief
Earth Hour - 28th of March!
Get those candles and torches out, switch out all those lights!
Some of the world’s most famous landmarks, including Nelson’s Column, the Forth Bridge, the Eiffel Tower, Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro, Sydney Opera House, and Table Mountain in Cape Town, will unite with icons such as the Merlion in Singapore, Hong Kong’s Symphony of Lights and the Shanghai Hong Kong New World Tower – all going dark for one hour, at 8.30pm on 28 March. The London Eye, too, will be dimmed for the hour. Even Bluewater has signed up!
We will be trying to get Eltham Hill on the list of schoolsto sign up to!
Miss Udy
Friday, 6 March 2009
Year 9 Homework - 9Y4/9X3 and 9Y2 due on Friday 13th.

Using the comic relief website ( and/or another aid agency, research and find out what the money raised is spent on. Write about (only approx. I won't actually count!) 500 words about why they spend it in certain places. What are these organisations trying to achieve?
Any questions please come and find me, no excuses will be accepted!
Miss Udy
Year 8 homework - Due the next lesson I see you!
Miss Udy
Wednesday, 4 March 2009
Fieldwork at BEECHE
In the walled garden,
The groups then set about making thier advert campagins! They all worked fantastically and the groups produced some excellent results!See below!
We even found Leeches, funny wood animals and ducks!
All the students got really involved and seemed to enjoy being outside!
Tilly and Shelly didn't stop talking the whole way home and we have been invited back to do more work with the RGS and the Bromley Geography network!
RGS and the BGN will be eventually posting up images and details of what we did, as soon as I know they have done it, I shall post a link to it! The work that we are doing is really exiciting and I (and hopefully Tilly, Shelly and Sarah - who couldn't make it sadly) are looking forward to working more on this fieldwork project!
I could have written for hours, so I shall stop now before you get bored! If you want to know more please leave a comment!
Miss Udy
Tuesday, 3 March 2009
Why can people by more stuff than they used to?
Many thanks
Miss Udy
This is also a youtube clip of the development of mobile phones! Amazing how they have changed!!!!!! The girls loved this clip!
Monday, 2 March 2009
Year 10 Homework - 2/3/09
Year 10 homework this morning was to imagine you are packing a bag as a migrant leaving from Mexico to the USA. At the link below (hopefully it will work, if not it is in the shared area W:\Geography\GCSE yr 10 08-09\Population - there are 3 sheets!
Don't forget you may need a work permit (which costs $20) or pay $20 to get over the border!
Any questions, you can either post a message or e-mail me!
Miss Udy
Year 11 Homework 2/3/09
You can and define ecosystems.
This is due in Wed 4th and you will need the information gained during the lesson!
Miss Udy