Good evening!
So after a busy day yesterday with year 9 options I am finally getting around to uploading some images!
On Tuesday, myself and two year 8 pupils visited BEECHE (Bromley Environmental Education Centre at High Elms) with other schools from the Bromley area and completed various different activities with the BEECHE staff, RGS staff and the Bromley Geography network staff. We have been working together to try and change the opinion of Geography fieldwork and this will have a huge impact on how we run fieldwork and the type of activities we do. Tilly and Shelly (and all the students from the other schools) really enjoyed the day and will be creating a post soon giving you their view on the day!
We arrived at 9.30 to be met with biscuits and juice and we quickly moved onto some Geography Bingo! The students quickly got involved and really seemed to enjoy it! The groups were introduced to their task and we went outside and started collecting materials for our Journey string, and taking photos of different areas. Some of the shots were amazing, particulary this one by Tilly!

When we got back the students brought together a list of words that came to mind when they were standing out side. With these words the groups came up with Haiku's. Again, the standard was brilliant, the groups really were creative!
The two following Haiku's were by the groups that Tilly and Shelly were in:
Freedom Calm Tranqui,
Tweet tweet birds flying free, calm,
Feathers floating pray,
(Shelly, Steven, Georgina, Roshni)
In the walled garden,
Happy and free apple tree,
All's quiet in spring.
(Lianne, Robert, Jamie, Tilly, Daragh)
Each group chose a favourite photo and then went back outside to start making thier perfume pot's! Making a natural perfume that would represent their favourite place! Each student also used natural materials to make a nature pallet and had to stand quietly listening for noise and making a sound map.
We then broke for lunch, yummy sandwiches and cake provided by BEECHE! Once we had full tummies and had our tea we moved onto lookat the biodiversity of the large pond within the grounds of High Elms. The students were shown how to take samples from the pond and off we trundled with our nets, trays and buckets! Oh, and the all important identification sheets!
Each group got stuck in, Tilly suprised me by going to a seperate pond to look on her own! She had a huge smile on her face all afternoon!

We even found Leeches, funny wood animals and ducks!
All the students got really involved and seemed to enjoy being outside!
Tilly and Shelly didn't stop talking the whole way home and we have been invited back to do more work with the RGS and the Bromley Geography network!
RGS and the BGN will be eventually posting up images and details of what we did, as soon as I know they have done it, I shall post a link to it! The work that we are doing is really exiciting and I (and hopefully Tilly, Shelly and Sarah - who couldn't make it sadly) are looking forward to working more on this fieldwork project!
I could have written for hours, so I shall stop now before you get bored! If you want to know more please leave a comment!
Miss Udy
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