
Ok, this has been running for a little while now. I have added all sorts over the last couple of years. Please feel free to recommend links/information to me that I can add - I'd like to get students involved in the up-keep of it to make it more student focused.

I will keep adding things as I see them!

I hope you enjoy, let's see how this goes!


Thursday 10 November 2011


Nigeria's plastic bottle house.

Year 9 are studying about sustainable development - what could be more sustainable than this new house that is being built alongside 25 others in Nigeria. Bullet proof, cool and eco-friendly as it is recycled used bottles, this house in my opinion is a cracking example of a sustainable development in all senses! It also employs local people, is helping children in the future by enabling them access to an education as well as reducing carbon footprints!!!!!!! All in all, I think this is great!

Years 9, 10 and 11.... what are your thoughts?

Could this be used all around the world? What do you think of the value of this recycling? Read the news story (Click on the image!) and it would be great if some of you could comment on it!

If you find any further information, let me know and you can write a post about it for the blog and become a published (in a sense!) author!

Keep up the hard work,

Miss Udy

p.s Keep an eye out for information about the earthquake in Turkey as well as flooding in Thailand! :)

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Hyrdogen Cars in the UK

Article from BBC 20th Sept 2011.

Usefull for year 10 GCSE students.


Wednesday 2 November 2011

Frozen Planet

Dear Year 9, 10 and 11.

The programme that is on BBC 1 tonight at 9pm is an easy to watch programme that will help you with your studies this year. Year 9 you will be studying a unit called Pole to Pole - this will give you some info that may help you! Year 10 and 11 you will be studying a unit called Extreme Climates at somepoint soon, this series will help you understand a little about colder climates and may give you some good basic knowledge following on from the Pole to Pole unit you studied when you were in year 9!


For anyone that was really interested, you could go to the open university website and do some learning from there in a free unit they have designed! http://openlearn.open.ac.uk/mod/oucontent/view.php?id=406544&section=3.3

Also, follow the BBC news, parts of America suffered over Halloween with some unexpected snow fall.... above all, get practicing for your snow dance!!!! I love snow days, I am sure you do to so we need to do the snow dance to get some snow ourselves!!!!!!

Miss Udy